Multi-service communications for a Swiss microinsurance programme
Swisscontact BMMDP Programme Creation of communications materials for the Swisscontact BMMDP programme Partner: Swisscontact Big results Big Blue helped to create communications pr
Exciting opening for the African Economic Conference 2023
UNDP African Economic Conference video Opening video and animation jingle production for Africa Economic Conference 2023 Partner: UNDP Big results Big Blue created the opening vide
Communicating learning from an EU social protection programme
The Technical Assistance Support Social Security Reforms in Bangladesh (TA SSSR) Project Enhancing the Bangladesh government’s social protection capacity through an EU-funded
Stories of WASH providers in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India
Stories of WASH providers in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India Partner: Aguaconsult Big result Big Blue is the communications and videography partner to an Aguaconsult end-of-project
Championing older age
Championing older age My Senior Moment campaign Partner: HelpAge International Big result On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, we designed and launched a
Knowledge hub for FCDO’s largest transport research database
Research database design, web design, and animation for DFID High Volume Transport Partner: High Volume Transport Big result Big Blue partnered with the High Volume Transport (HVT)
Branding a COVID-19 resilience response facility in Turks And Caicos
Branding a COVID-19 Resilience Response Facility in Turks And Caicos Partner: JNCC Big result Big Blue partnered with JNCC UK to assist in creating a top-notch branding profile usi
Animating municipal services
Swisscontact: PRABRIDDHI promotional animation Partner: Swisscontact Big result Big Blue assisted Swisscontact’s PRABRIDDHI project team to highlight their unique approach to
Video stories of labour affected by climate
Video stories of connections between labour and climate Partner: Cornell University Big result Capturing video and photography case stories to highlight the effects of extreme heat
Communications and design services for US government
Communications and design services to USAID Partnerships Incubator Partner: USAID Partnerships Incubator Big result Big Blue created 1+ years worth of communications products and s