Human stories of gainful employment

Partner: Swisscontact

Big result

B-SkillFUL identified several MSMEs who were eligible to receive workplace-based training and business development services. As part of the work, Big Blue captured field interviews with 15 business owners and factory workers.



Swisscontact Bangladesh’s Building Skills for Unemployed and Underemployed Labour (B-SkillFUL) programme focuses on the protection of the rights of unemployed workers in Bangladesh (and those in low-paying jobs) through opportunities for on-site training, incentives, grant funding and connects with partner organisations providing additional business development services including microinsurance lending and environmental and compliance consultancy. They identified several MSMEs that were eligible to receive workplace-based training and business development services.


As part of preparing B-SkillFUL’s end-report publication, Big Blue was tasked with i) travelling to the field to capture several interviews and photography with MSME entrepreneurs and labourers around Bangladesh, ii) converting these interviews into written case stories, iii) editing and selection of the best photos from each interview, and iv) design and copy editing of the end-report containing these case stories.


The 26-page end-report publication produced is now available on the official B-SkillFUL website.