Blue Gold Program was a development project implemented  the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), and the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) over an eight+ year period from March 2013 to December 2021. The project aimed to reduce poverty and to increase household income through appropriately targeted interventions for 185,000 households in the coastal districts of Patuakhali, Khulna, Satkhira, and Barguna; by helping local communities to mitigate impacts of climate change and to develop their local economy through diversified farming practices based on information on input costs and market prices, and supported by participatory management of local water resources.

Big Blue, joined as a communication partner, with the principle consultant firm for the programme Mott MacDonald. We produced public facing communication materials such us case studies, informative 2-pagers, slide decks, engaging animations, overview documentary videos etc. Our collaboration concluded with designing the complete Lessons Learnt book reporting all the learning from the programme, and developing a wiki knowledge base capturing all the program information from inception to end in a digital and interconnected format.

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Communicating water management for social development

Blue Gold Program was a large national program on water management impacting 185,000 households of coastal area. We have been a major part of communicating their processes and impa






Mott MacDonald, Bangladesh Water Development Board
