Visualising global economic injustices

Partner: Society for International Development

Big result

Big Blue developed and produced an animation for the Addis Ababa CSO Coordination Group (ACG) to promote the Civil Society Financing for Development (CSO FfD) Mechanism which is a process through which civil society can engage in the Financing for Development process.


The Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism is an open platform of several hundred organisations and networks worldwide that follows the Financing for Development process closely. The Mechanism firmly advocates for systemic reforms in Financing for Development from a feminist, interconnected, Global South, and decolonial perspective. Big Blue’s role here was to develop and deliver a promotional animation for the CSO FfD mechanism.


After a few initial meetings with the client team, Big Blue’s team of skilled designers began creating assets for the animated film. Once the assets were completed, our animators produced the first animatic draft and it was shared with the client team. After a few rounds of revisions, the final animation was delivered with subtitles in English, French, and Spanish embedded in the videos.


The animated video is now live on the Civil Society Financing for Development (CSO FfD) Mechanism website and YouTube channel.